Last night, I went to karaoke with some friends, and I was sitting at my seat drinking my Liquid Marijuana (a really fruity bluish green drink that is pretty potent). My friends went outside to smoke, so I sat at the bar with my second mama, and I was answering a text when I felt hands over my eyes. Then I feel seductive kissing on my neck, and that was nice. Then I saw who it was and I felt violated because I've REPEATEDLY told him I am not attracted to him, I'm not interested, he's not my type. And when I told him how repulsed I was by what he did, he got this sick smile on his face and he said......
"You enjoyed it!"
Boys and girls, let me give you something to marinate on. When a woman, or a man for that matter, tells a person that they are not attracted to them, DO NOT molest them. Do not put parts of your body on them and then sit back and be smug. It's disrespectful, and it's not welcomed. The fact that he could sit there and say that to me every time I told him I did not want that from him, tells me that he doesn't care about others boundaries. It's also the mindset of a rapist. And it's exactly the words my rapist used on me afterwards when I was in the fetal position crying.
The fact that he could not get that what he did is wrong proves to me my first impression of him was spot on. I met him months prior at another Karaoke place, and my first initial impression after talking to him was that he was creepy, and he's trouble, and to watch it. Then, he shows up at my favorite Karaoke place and he seemed different somehow, and was mellower. I got a different vibe, so I let my guard down. Well, FUCK THAT!!!!! He better PRAY he doesn't come talk to me because I'm going to let him have it. And he better keep his hands off me, or I'm breaking his fingers.
Thanks to last night, I've decided that I am leaving the LS for awhile. Granted, he's not in the LS and that this is completely unrelated, but it shows me that I am not ready for this. I'm going to walk away now before I do something that is going to get me hurt, and maybe later I will revisit things and come back.
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